

LICEcap:一款简单小巧,能够录制屏幕并生成GIF 的软件

LICEcap,用现在的话来说,这是一款十分“吹爆”的软件,多年来我一直“安利”它给有需要的人…支持Windows、macOS,通过WINE 还能支持Linux,非常的简单易用。

LICEcap for Mac

2020年4月6日 — LICEcap for Mac allows you to capture areas of your desktop with a click and then save the frames as either GIF or LCF files.

LICEcap simple animated screen capture tool for Windows ...

LICEcap simple animated screen capture tool for Windows and OS X - justinfrankel/licecap.

macos Big Sur only records background · Issue #106

2021年2月28日 — I've found that while it now seems functional, licecap seems to ignore any and all layers above the background desktop image. Any thoughts on ...


It's worth mentioning that LICEcap is a lightweight tool designed for Windows and macOS. With its intuitive and minimal interface, you don't have to worry ...


LICEcap is an intuitive but flexible application (for Windows and now OSX), that is designed to be lightweight and function with high performance. LICEcap is ...

Download LICEcap for Mac

LICEcap for Mac is a lightweight and intuitive tool that allows you to capture selected areas of your screen and save them to GIF or LCF formats.

[Mac] 螢幕錄製GIF 工具Kap 安裝使用教學(支援macOS Big Sur)

2021年4月25日 — LICECap 是我很喜歡的工具,號稱「最棒的輕量GIF 錄製軟體」,輕巧方便,操作直覺,而且支援macOS 和Windows。但macOS 升級到Big Sur 後LICECap v1.30 ...